if i have a million dollars 会做些什么
if i have a million dollars 会做些什么
I would be excited and scared, but here goes…
First, I would hire the best financial advisor I can find. So far, I have been doing well on my own — learning from the Web and books. But if a $1 million is thrown on my lab (ouch…I think a $1 million would be quite heavy), I want the best to help me protect that million. My first question to them would be what could I do to minimize taxes?
Second, I would settle my debts. I think being debt free is one of the best ways to build wealth. However, with my mortgage being the biggest debt I owe, I will have to work with my financial advisor to figure out which is better: pay off the mortgage or use the money for something else — i.e., invest.
Third, I would share my good fortune with my family and a few close friends that may need financial help. I know the proverb: “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime,” but if I can help them dig out of their financial hole, then I think it is worthwhile.
Lastly, whatever I have left I will invest that money so that I can see it grows. If I am lucky enough, I will have to revise my $1 million goal because I will be reaching it a few years sooner than expected.
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