healthy fat dangerous seat careful good buy ride shop leave go shop
Two years ago my husband ⑴____a bike for me.If you live in a town,it is ofen faster than a car and don't have to worry about parking.You can ⑵____it anywhere,because it has a ⑶____ at the back and a basket at the front.It also can be ⑷____.You must be ⑸____on a bike.Accidents are not the only problem.One day Iwent ⑹____and when Icame back,I couldn't find my front wheel.It was a long walk to the bike shop.
Sometimes my husband uses my bike for short trips.He is not good at ⑺___bikes,but he says it is ⑻____than waiting for a bus.He still likes his car for longer trips,but I think that all this sitting down is making him ⑼____.On my bike I got a lot of exercise and fresh air ,and it makes me feel much ⑽____.
Two years ago my husband ⑴__bought(要用过去式)__a bike for me.If you live in a town,it is ofen faster than a car and don't have to worry about parking.You can ⑵__leave__it anywhere,because it has a ...
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- 一句很哲学的话,
- 编译错误:PLS-00103:Encountered the symbol "EXIT" when expecting one of the following:.( ,%
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- the whole class---quiet
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- kilograms,many,is,panda,at,how,a,baby,birth?怎么连