every once in a while there is an opportuity to pass on a kindness——on questions asked.i lost my par
every once in a while there is an opportuity to pass on a kindness——on questions asked.i lost my parents to cancer six months apart from each other.i care for both of them but could not have done it without the love and generosity of friends——friends who care.
- to,students,talking,about,is,his,holidays,who,the 连词成句
- I___(see) you in the picture. 用所给单词填空
- 1、将曲线x=(1+4t+t^2)/(1+t^2),y=(6+2t^2)/(1+t^2),(t为参数)化为普通方程,并说明曲线的形状
- 晏子“故意笑了笑”,表面上是在说(),实际上是在()
- 载人航天梦想的实现,是祖国的骄傲,是所有炎黄子孙的骄傲,是 ,是 ……(续写句子,组成排比句)
- 数学题(好的加100!)
- 我最敬佩的人 清洁工 结尾
- 表面积为S的多面体的每个面都内切于半径为R的一个球,求这个多面体的体积
- 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,已知点M、N分别为AD、BC的中点,试说明四边形ANCM为平行四边形
- 已知向量a=(1,2),向量b=(-2,n),向量a与b的夹角是45° (1)求b (2)若c与b同向,且c-a⊥a,求c
- 关于光合作用或呼吸作用的题目
- 设某人射击一次中8环、9环、10环的概率分别为0.15、0.25与0.20.该射手连续进行三次射击,求得到不少于28环
- 选出不同类型A.juice B.sweet C.apple D.round
- saw we fiying kites people some 连词成句!
- 光学分析天平读数时,停了下来后老是非常非常慢的向右移动,请问这是什么原因?
- The girl looked into the() and was very satisfied with her new dress.
- 要描写母爱的好词佳句
- 宋人有耕田者,田中有株,兔走触株,折颈而死,因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔.兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑.
- Good afternoon.
- 知道直径,怎样在该圆上画出等边三角形