最好要DWIGHT HOWARD的英语文章,办手抄报用,急.
Dwight David Howard is an American basketball player for the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association (NBA).Howard,who usually plays center but can also play power forward,had an outstanding high school career.He chose to forgo college and entered the 2004 NBA Draft.He was selected first overall by the Magic,and has since emerged as one of the top rebounders and players in the NBA.A two-time NBA All-Star and All-NBA member and one-time NBA All-Defensive member,he has been ranked consistently as one of the best in the league in field goal percentage.In the 2008 Olympics,he was the starting center for Team USA which went on to win the gold medal.Howard's overall play and his spectacular dunks have gained him prominence as one of the brightest young prospects in the NBA and the team leader of the Magic.Additionally,Howard,the winner of the NBA 2008 Slam Dunk Contest,is a devout Christian who contributes substantially to philanthropic causes
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