Today is Saturday,my that both was lovable and mischievous
little younger male cousin Liu to fly in circles.At that time,I
wholly absorbed was drawing my computer picture,as soon as saw him to
come,the special enthusiasm reduced the majority,thought:
has come,my this was the elder sister to be possible to
have to have bad luck.may also have to install on the surface is
welcome him extremely the appearance.Oh!Really does not have the
means,who lets us is the elder sister!
I made expressed the welcome action,conveniently grasped a
sugar to place in his hand,then started wholly absorbed to practice
the computer picture.But flies in circles does not have the honest
time,a while wants me and he plays each family,a while has let me
and he plays the hide-and-seek.I thought that,I all such big,but
also accompanies you to play these children's acrobatics,is really
insipid.But how no matter thought,I also must accompany him to play!
Is playing,is playing,Liu Xiangchen I have not paid attention,uses
he that fat small hand picture to beat a drum suddenly is knocking my
that treasure computer equally.I turn head as soon as looked
that,hurried to shout:is not good!but has already been late,
computer dying machine.At that time,was mad I am do not know whether
to laugh or cry,did not know said his any is good,also cannot scold
him,also cannot hit him,after all his this year only then three
years old.Then,I continuously roared fly in circles have played the
most of the day.After waits for him to walk,I return to the room,
feels my computer to say exasperatedly:the computer,I undergo the
surgery to you!
Oh,you said looked,is a qualified elder sister very to be
really difficult?
Today and friends of foreign travel,outside air is very good,people feel very comfortable.We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles.We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought.We happily spent a happy day.
After school,I was doing my homework.Than I begen to play computer games.
It's same to yesterday.
today I don't play computer,and I go to sleep very early.
It's same to the day before yesterday.
It's same to yesterday.
After finish my homework.I'm free all day.
It's same to yesterday.
- 从空中某点以速度v0水平抛出一个质量为m的石块,不计空气阻力,当其竖直分位移与水平分位移大小相等时,石块所受重力的瞬时功率为( ) A.0 B.mgv0 C.2mgv0 D.5mgv0
- 在○里填上运算符号使等式成立1/4○1/4○1/4○1/4○1/4=1/8不许用括号
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- 3+0.2x/0.2-0.2+0.03x/0.01=0.75
- 加热5.00g碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠的混合物,使碳酸氢钠完全分解,混合物质量少了0.31g,
- 两个数的和是200,差是20,两个数各是都少
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- It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it
- Mr.Martin went into his __56__ teashop one morning,and sat on one of the seats at the table.Many oth
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- 时钟的时针每小时转过的角是_度;分针每分钟转过的角是_度,在3点和4点之间,如果时针与分针重合,则此时的时间是3点_分.
- 52名同学去坐车,一共乘坐11辆车.其中每辆面包车可以坐6人,每辆小轿车可以坐4人.求小轿车有几辆
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- 小张步行从甲村到乙村去,小李骑自行车从乙村往甲村去,他们同时出发,1小时后在途中相遇.他们分别继续前进,小李到达甲村后立即返回.在第一次相遇后40分钟,小李追上小张,他们又分别继续前进,当小李到达乙村