1.Internet is a reliable source of news and current events.Defend your ideas...
2.Friendship is based on complete honesty with each other.Defend you idaes
3.If a traveler speaks the language of the place he or she visits ,the trip will be more enjoyable.Defend your ideas
4.Salary is the most important thing for an ideal job.Defend your idaes
A:i think if traveler speaks the language of the place she visits,the trip will be more enjoyable.
B:why do you think so?
A:because it is really convenient.imagine...you want to buy a train ticket to a place you want to go,but you cant.how will you explain where to go,which seat or sleeper you want,when would you like to travel.so knowing the language gets you easily to go around.
B:but you can show with your hand.use body language.
A:ok,that is a good suggestion.what about ordering the food?you have to know the language otherwise you will stay hungry.
B:you can show it in the kitchen.but only if they let you in.yes it might be a problem here.
A:and knowing the language of the country you travel is very important to comunicate with people.this is how you learn about their culture,habits and you get to know many interesting people.
B:i have to agree with it.you got the point and you have convienced me that is really good to know the language when you are travelling to foreign countries.
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