"how much does it cost?"she asked,r-- difficultly into her pocket. i replied,almost without t---- .
"how much does it cost?"she asked,r-- difficultly into her pocket. i replied,almost without t---- .
.i helped the old woman get out of the car. "you've made my dream come t---- before i die,"she said. "thank you,young man."behind me,a door shut. it was the sound of the closing of a life.
i didn't offer any service to any more p-------- that day. i could hardly talk. but i knew i had done something the most i------------- in my life .这些怎样翻译和填词?
true; people; important.
- 计算3分之1加3分之2加3分之3加3分之4加.3分之50.
- What we need to learn is how to put theory into when we begin our field work here
- 模仿赵丽宏的《致文学》写一篇300字的《致大自然》
- 幼儿园中三班运动口号
- He is looking for the book.------ ------ he looking for?
- 布袋里有形状大小完全一样的蓝球和黄球各10个,要保证一次拿出2个种颜色不相同的球,至少必须摸出几个球
- 串联有两个灯泡知道电压和电功怎么算两端的最小电压?
- 两个数的差是5.6,被减数增加2.8,减数减少1.6,现在的差是多少?
- 已知一个长方体的两个面的面积分别是24平方厘米和36平方厘米,如果它的长,宽,高都是整厘米数,那么这个长
- 有关风的诗句,要说明季节
- 方程x2sin2+cos2−y2cos2−sin2=1所表示的曲线是( ) A.焦点在x轴上的椭圆 B.焦点在y轴上的椭圆 C.焦点在x轴上的双曲线 D.焦点在y轴上的双曲线
- 求一篇英语小作文,50词,以一种文具为题.
- 中学时学过一篇猴子和鳄鱼的英语课文,其中一句“use your head then you will find your way”,谁记得全
- 初闻涕泪满衣裳 闻 意思?
- 在三角形ABC中.已知角A的度数是角B的2倍.角B的度数是角C的3倍求角A.角B.角C的度数
- 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时,
- 设向量组α1,α2,……αs能由向量组β1,β2,……βt线性表示为(α1,α2,……αs)=(β1,β2,……βt)A,其中A为t×s矩阵,且β1,β2,……βt线性无关,证明:α1,α2,……αs
- 翻译成英文 我想要获得心灵的自由.
- 本人急需一些意境极其优美的诗歌,类似于【雨巷】【再别康桥】之类的,
- 《望洋兴叹》翻译是什么?急需啊!哪为好心人快点告诉我啊!