We are most often called upon to support othersa in friendship.Several years ago,Donna had been feeling very depressed.She had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years,and she was having a very difficult time accepting the loss.She had been laid up with a knee injury for several days,and the time alone at home certainly was not helping.Her misery was only compounded bu her frustration at herself for not being able to pull it together and stop crying all the time.
Early one morning,Donna received a phone call with some terrible news:jer best froemd's brotherhad been killed in a car accident.Doona had known this friendl.Mary ,and her brother nearly her entire life,and the news was debastating .However,Donna quickly pulled herself together got in the car and drove to her friend's house to be there with her.
Over the course of the next fes days,amidst the haze of the funeral and hundrteds of visitors,Donna was 100 percent present for Mary.She held her close while she cried endless tears,sat by her side as the waves of grief washed over her friend,and slept on the floor next to Mary's bed to make sure she did not wake up alone in the middle of the night.During that time she hardly felt any pain in her knee at all and none of the depression she had been experiening.
Severak weeks later,when life began to return to normal.Donna realized that the level of support she had given Mary far exceeded any support she had offered herself during her dark time.She was able to use the support she had given her friend as mirror for the support she had been withholding from herself.She realized that her own tears required as much attention and nurturing from her as anyone else's,and that if she could give it to another,she must be able to also five it to herself.
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