what is more important love or monney?
what is more important love or monney?
Love or money
Just now I read an article named "For Love or For Money?" I think that there is a deep truth in it.The story means many people show more important to money than love.
Here is the story:
An elderly man on the beach found a magic lamp.He picked it up and a genie appeared.“Because you have freed me,” the genie said.“I will grand you a wish.”
The man thought for a moment and then responded,“my brother and I had a fight 30 years ago and he hasn’t spoken to me since.I wish that he’ll finally forgive me.”
There was thunderclap,and the genie declared,“Your wish has been granted,You know,” the genie continued,“most men would have asked for wealth or fame.But you only wanted the love of your brother.Is it because you are old and dying?”
“No way!” the man cried.“But my brother is,and he’s worth about 60 million.”
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