What is your opinion of cloning human beings?
What is your opinion of cloning human beings?
帮忙用英语写一篇1分钟的口语,题目是What is your opinion of cloning human beings?单词越简单越好,稍微短一点,不需要太长,够一分钟就行!感谢了!
At this point in time I would tend to be against human cloning,but only because we haven't sufficiently developed the technology yet,and the clone is likely to have a lot of genetic defects (which can lead to genetic diseases and/or other health issues) and shortened telomeres (which would result in premature aging).
However once the technology has matured,I see no reason to prohibit or ban it.A clone would be just like any other human.It would be like having an identical twin,that just happened to be born a few decades after you were.:-) It should be noted that a lot of a person's personality,beliefs,outlook,etc.are the result of the experiences they have and the environment they grow up in.So a clone may be somewhat similar to the original in terms of personality and beliefs,but their unique experiences growing up would ensure that they would differ on a number of traits.Mentally,they would _not_ be identical to the original.Which then begs the question,what would be the purpose in creating a clone of yourself?
There is possibly one use I could think of (besides vanity).And that would be as a source for replacement organs.Obviously for this to be in any way remotely ethical,you'd have to find a way to create the clone without a brain--a body with no trace of personhood.Even then though,by the time we've gotten human cloning down pat,we should also be able to clone (or construct) individual organs.So there's not all that much use for human cloning,aside from maybe research purposes.But again,I don't think that's a reason to ban it.Our lives are full of useless tech,what's a little more?
opinion 2:
IF there were a way to clone people with no negative health effects for either the person OR the clone,and there were a reasonable reason to clone people,and the clones would be treated with the same rights as any human,THEN i would say it would be ok.If a person were correctly cloned then it would safe to assume the brain would be the same,so the clone would have human emotions/thoughts.It would be very impotent that the clone be treated as any human so that no pain would be caused,because they would be aware,Intelligent living people.
opinion 3:
Are you drawing distinction between human Cloning and Genetic engineering?
because Genetic Engineering would allow us to irradiate every type of genetic disease and defect
but for cloning the present time I would say no,currently not enough is understood about genetics to make it safe,but in the future when we completely understand the implications of what we are doing then yes God may have made us all unique but whoever said that was the best way to be?with cloning you could destroy all of humanities bad faults and come up with a completely efficient society,but you would need a higher authority to choose what those required qualities would be and for the first couple of generations that would be a very hard thing to deal with
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