求大神帮忙 高中英语作文
求大神帮忙 高中英语作文
以An outstanding woman - Madam Curie 为题按下列表格的内容写一篇100-120词的介绍居里夫人的短文
Name 居里夫人
Nationality 波兰 Poland(n.) Polish(adj.)
Qulity 受过良好教育 刻苦勤奋 意志坚强 遭到困难从不失去信心 毕生奉献于科学事业
Achievement 1903年因发现镭元素获诺贝尔物理奖 1911年获诺贝尔化学奖
参考词汇 诺贝尔物理(化学)The Nobel Prize for Physics(Chemistry)镭元素 radium element
用上定语从句 非谓语动词 名词性从句 宾语从句 至少都一句
Madam Curie ,a world-known Chemistry women scientist,has made a great contribution to the science cause Born in Poland,she had accepted a well education and at an early age she had formed a habit of hard -working study.By stong determination ,she never gave up and lose heart when she met with all kinds of difficulties.Throughout her life she dedicated herself to the chemistry cause and had discovered radium element in 1903,which caused her to win the Nobel Physics Prize in 1911.Her great contribution is not only reflected in the following discovery,but also in setting a legendary example for us .For me ,i should follow her example to study hard with unyielding will so that i am capable of the difficult work in the future.
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