火灾发生 英语作文
火灾发生 英语作文
根据提示写短文 1.Touch the door of your room .If it is hot,do not open it.2.Put wet towels along the bottom of the door.3.Phone the reception desk.4.Open the window ,wave and shout.5.Don't argue with the fireman.
If there is a fire going on in the building,there are some rules that must be followed.Firstly,find the exit as quickly as possible.
Touch the door of your room to make sure if it is hot or not.If it si hot,don't open it,find other ways to escape.Secondly,put wet towels along the bottom of the door to stop the smoke and fire coming in.Thirdly,phone the reception desk and call 119 informing them of the accident.Then open the window and wave and shout for help.When the firemen come to help,do what they say,don't argue with them on anything.If you follow the above advice,you should survive any fire accident.
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