the kiwi lives only in new zealand
the kiwi lives only in new zealand
The kiwi lives only in New Zealand.It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly.
The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.It has no wings or tails.It does not have any feathers like other birds.It has hair on its body.Each foot has four toes.Its beak (mouth) is very long.
A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it.It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes.It can smell things with its nose.It is the only bird in the world that can smell things.The kiwi's eggs are very big.There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now.People never see them.The government says that people cannot kill kiwis.New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.
There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money.People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis.
1.The kiwi ____. bigger than a chicken b .has feathers like other birds
c.lives only in New Zealand good at flying
2.The kiwi ____.
a.has no feathers or wings b.hai not wings but a tail
c.has no tail or toes d.has no hair but toes
3.The kiwi is the only bird ____.
a.that can smell things b.that sleeps during the day
c.that likes a lot of trees around it d.that pepple like
4.Peple in New Zealand can____.
a.see kiwis everywhere b.see kiwis in the zoos
c.not see kiwis easily d .eat the kiwis
5.The kiwi has a ____beak.
a.short b.small d .long
1、C The kiwi lives only in New Zealand
2 A It has no wings or tails.It does not have any feathers like other birds.It has hair on its body.Each foot has four toes.Its beak (mouth) is very long
3 A It is the only bird in the world that can smell things
4 C There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now.People never see them
5 D Its beak (mouth) is very long.
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