Merciless earthquake,the world is love
This is how sad!Earthquake,of course,is terrible,but they have - firefighters,the people's own army,doctors and others for earthquake relief to the people of the earthquake,and what terrible?»
After the earthquake,there have become ruins.The original buildings,has been moved to the ground.But in this disaster,truly reflect the world of love.
In the earthquake,a school teacher did not consider their own safety,struggling rescued two children,but their death,a teacher,felt the earthquake,the conscious decision to go down the steps.She would like to go back one:my students are still inside it,therefore,she firmly back,for whom » Her students » No,that's not only students,or the flowers ah!As the saying goes:"poor parents the world heart." There is a parent……
This is how people touched by Argentine ah!
There are other companies have also enthusiastic contributions.Now,received a total of about 10.8 billion yuan contributions to the world!Now,I truly understand that the "party is difficult,P Plus support earthquake relief,surmount." How will this sentence were moved.
In addition,I would like the people in disaster areas,said:"I believe that we surmount.Can be quite the past.Although the disaster can be taken away our lives,but not humans immortal wins the hope this is the eternal light,Encouraging people forward momentum.Let us work together to Sichuan Come on!China for refueling."
Hope life has been dominated by a string,hoping to achieve in life.A person because there is hope that there is life,and feel alive and meaningful,it was interesting; hope that one such as the sun,it has been light,with light,there will be a hot,hot can be issued with lively vitality;一泓hope that if a stream,into the river,into the River,into the sea,will exert all of life to the extreme
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