he rich and the poor
The world is divided(分为) into two main parts.The difference is that one part is rich and the other is poor.In the poor part,a lot of people never get enough to eat.In the rich part,a lot of people eat too much.In one part,children starve(饿死)and in the other,a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to go on diets(吃特别饮食),or do special exercises in order to lost weight.
The poor countries have special problems.Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on.The land can be improved(改善),but a lot of things must be done first.The people must be educated ,a water must be found.But rich countries have problems,too.There are not always pleasant places to live in.Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe,and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water from.The roads are too crowded to drive along.Large numbers of people do not have decent(像样的)houses to live in.Some things w
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