Smoking in public 英语作文
Smoking in public 英语作文
It is widely accepted that cigarette smoking in public will be harmful to both the smoker and the people around, and the environment. I strongly disapprove this kind of behaviour. This short essay will first analysis the effects on health attributed to smoking, and then give some suggestions about forbidding smoking in public.
On the cigarette's packet, there are government notice about the dangers of cigarette smoking. It is stated that smoking mainly cause three sever diseases which includes cancer, heart diseases, and respiratory disease. The are many reports indicate that smoking can lead to lung cancer. People who smoke are at high risk of lung cancer which is more than 10 times than the one of non-smokers. Similarly, smokers are much easier to get heart diseases. It is found that chronic pharyngitis (记不住就chronic diseases in throat) are common among the smokers. In addition, people who are exposed to second-hand smoke also face these health problems. Wife around smoking husband are more likely to get pregnance difficulty or even infertility.
As stated above, smoking in public do harm our health-smoker and people around. Recently, there are bans to forbade it which protect the health of smokers by reducing the amount of the cigarettes they smoke and of non-smokers by decreasing the second-hand smoke.
In conclusion, smoke in public is disapproved by most people. The smokers should also reduce this behaviour to protect themselves and others as smoking risks human health.
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