1.People will build a new road in our hometown next year.
2.they are going to plant trees this Sunday.
3.Mum has thrown away the waste.
4.We should trach these children how to use zhe computer.
5.People speak English as the first language in NewZealand.
6.They will invite us to go to their show.
7.They can't mend the bike in the shop.
8.Must we hand in our exercise books now?
1.People will build a new road in our hometown next year.
A new road in our hometown will be built next year by people.
2.they are going to plant trees this Sunday.
Trees are going to be planted this Sunday by them.
3.Mum has thrown away the waste.
The waste has been thrown away by mum.
4.We should trach these children how to use zhe computer.
The children should be tought how to use the computer by us.
5.People speak English as the first language in NewZealand.
English is spoken as the first language in Newzealand by people.
6.They will invite us to go to their show.
We will be invited by them to go to their show.
7.They can't mend the bike in the shop.
The bike can't be mended in the shop by them.
8.Must we hand in our exercise books now?
Must our exercise books be handed by us now?
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