fOnce an old man was walking in a street with his horse.It was raining heavily.The old man was cold
fOnce an old man was walking in a street with his horse.It was raining heavily.The old man was cold
Once an old man was walking with his horse on a rainy day.He was () because he was walking in the rain () a long time.He wanted to get warm.It was very late.The old man () to a small restaurant.There () lots of people in it.The old man couldn't come near the fire.He thought hard.At last he said to the waiter,"Take some fish to my ()."The () and the other people were very ().The waiter said,"A horse doesn't eat fish."The old man replied,"This horse can sing,dance and do differen () of things.It can eat fish,too."So the waiter brought the horse some fish.
All the people ran out to see the waiter feed the horse ,Soon they return and said,"Your horse didn't eat ()fish."The old man ,now sitting near the () and said"All right,take the fish back .I'll eat them."
Once an old man was walking with his horse on a rainy day.He was ( cold ) because he was walking in the rain ( for ) a long time.He wanted to get warm.It was very late.The old man ( came ) to a small restaurant.There ( sat ) lots of people in it.The old man couldn't come near the fire.He thought hard.At last he said to the waiter,"Take some fish to my ( horse )."The (waite) and the other people were very ( surprised ).The waiter said,"A horse doesn't eat fish."The old man replied,"This horse can sing,dance and do differen ( types ) of things.It can eat fish,too."So the waiter brought the horse some fish.
All the people ran out to see the waiter feed the horse ,Soon they return and said,"Your horse didn't eat ( a )fish."The old man ,now sitting near the ( fire ) and said"All right,take the fish back .I'll eat them."
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