To my new partner,
I'm pleased that you joined the Bone Pit Mining Venture!Unfortunately,in light of the recent dragon infestation,the mine is not quite profitable at the moment.In the near future,you may expect to receive significant profits in exchange for your active participation in our business.
As our verbal agreement was not quite binding by Kirkwall law,I'm sending you this small sum as your first investment dividend.You realize that by accepting this,you are now legally bound to the Bone Pit Mining Venture.
Convincing the miners to return has allowed the Bone Pit Mining Venture to resume operation much sooner than if I'd had to hire all new workers.
As our business has returned to marginal profitability,I've enclosed your next dividend!I do hope you'll spend this sum wisely and not waste it on that ill-advised expedition to the Deep Roads I've been hearing about.
There is plenty of profit to be made in Kirkwall without having to risk life and limb!Should you happen to become blighted in the Deep Roads,I'm afraid that will void our partnership agreement.
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