小学生五年级英语手抄报My bedroom用There be句型怎么写
小学生五年级英语手抄报My bedroom用There be句型怎么写
This is my room.
There is a wall of lights, it's just a white issue.
Because I like blue, the walls are blue.
Look! Where there is a desk top, there are many books. There is a table lamp.
Table near the bed, the big, long bed.
Bed put a lot of the exercises. Bed in front of the door, the door is brown.
The floor is white, and above there is a chair. Put a chair in blue bags.
The next bag is a wardrobe, where there are many side rack clothes.
Clothes rack has a variety of colors, black and white blue yellow.
The left side of the wardrobe has a computer. Computer is blue. I like playing computer.
Is the window behind the computer. There are many mirror window.
This is my room.
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