英语作文 changes to
英语作文 changes to
changes to开头的,随便写什么,最好副图
Dalian is a beautiful city!It is in the province near the coast just south of where I live .It is a very multi-cultural city as there were Russian,Korea,Japanese,American,Argentinean,and Italian cultural presences throughout the area.I had a great time traveling with a couple of foreign buddies.
What was the most fun to travel with I talked to my friend that they are so many my “firsts”.First time to drink Starbuck’s cappuccino,first time to ride in a sleeper car,first time to see dolphins,first time to go on a VACATION.It was funny.
I began use chinglish all the way.they took fun of me
Dalian’s coastline is gorgeous.There is tons of shopping areas and much to see.We went to the Sun Asia Ocean and Polar World,and many shopping districts.I had my fill of awesome food:
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