Name Favourite music Favouite musician Reason(理由)
Peter pop music Leehom Wang make people relaxed
Linda Chinese classical music Lang Lang play the piano best
Tim rock music Cui Jian make peopleexcited
Hello,how are you let me introduce myself,my name is Lee Ming,I like to listen to the music,my friend Linda also like to listen to the music,she likes Chinese classical music,Lang Lang is her best favourite musician,the other friend Tim is an energetic young man,he likes rock music very much,he told me that rock music always makes people excited,his favourite musician is Cui Jian.Peter is also one of my best friends,his favourite music is pop music,do you know why the main reason he told me is that when people listen to the music it makes people relaxed,Leehom Wang is one of his favourite musicians because he plays the piano best.
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