求翻译 We would like to thank those who helped make
求翻译 We would like to thank those who helped make
We would like to thank those who helped make the second edition of Programmer’s Guide to Windows a reality.
Thanks are due, first of all, to the readers of the first edition of Programmer’s Guide to Windows who provided comments and corrections. A special note of thanks is due to Mike Orr and Roger Faaborg for their detailed suggestions.
Thanks especially to Joel Kroman, whose fine technical support and tireless efforts helped bring the second edition together. Thanks also to Jocelyn Renold for word processing; to Lynne Bougault for careful proofreading(校对); to Anne Leach for quick and thorough job of indexing.
Thanks to the programmers who took classes from us and helped us refine our ability to explain those things that are seemingly obvious, but actually not. We feel that the book is better for the challenges they set forth and for the insightful (有洞察力的)comments they made.
We’d like to extend thanks again t
- there is____"f" in the word knife,but it makes ___/f/sound.A,a;an B,an;a C,an;an D,a;a
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