you set the pace.I will try to adjust to you.这句话谁能翻译一下谢谢
you set the pace.I will try to adjust to you.这句话谁能翻译一下谢谢
this is a sentence which a cripped father said to his son. because his son always felt impatience while the cripped father stopped for a rest during the walking to the work-place with his son's help.
so the cripped father said,"you set the pace, i try to adjust to you"..
of course ,at the back of the story,the son felt guity for what he did when he was young ,but the father has already gone.
so the son write this article with the title "a good heart to lean on",and describe many things which can show how good his father was. Sure it is ,his father is good person though a little cripped.
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