The Person Who Understand The English
The Person Who Understand The English
Have you ever think shy,I know everybody for life will have think shy.Have you ever go other person house to eat dinner,or person come to your house,but person is different kingdom.Fish Cheeks By Amy Tan the story is about a Chinese girl Amy,her friends Robert and his family will go her house and celebrate the Christmas Eve dinner.Amy think why Robert want came to her house,why they want see Chinese style Christmas,and a lots of kind of these questions.
For begin of the story Robert and his family want going her house and celebrate the Christmas Eve dinner.But Amy thought why Robert want see Chinese Christmas.Amy's mom was cooking,but is not American food,is Chinese food.Foe the end their chopsticks ,they reached the table,and the Robert and his family is coming.Amy your favorite,he said,offering me to the fish cheek.I want to disappear.These two quotes show Amy like fish cheeks but she don't want Robert know she like Chinese food fish cheeks.
For the middle of the story,for every body gone.Amy's mom give her American skirt,and told her that she look American but always keep Chinese heritage and to be proud of it."You want to be same as American girls on the outside." This quote show Amy's mom know Amy want to be a American girl."You must be proud you are different.You only shame is to have shame." This quotes is the important quote of the story.This quote mom tell her Amy is a Chinese,Amy maybe to be proud,but her shame is to have shame.After this quote Amy finally know who is she.
For the end of the story,Amy able fully appreciate the lesson.And for Chinese Eva year,the food she chosen all is the Amy favorite food.
Fish Cheeks By Amy Tan,the story tell us only when you doesn't trust or believe something that inside you know is right is when you should be disappoint in yourself.You family does that should you disappoint in them.Only time you should to be shame is when you believe that shame exists.
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