帮忙写一篇以"Self-confidence is the key to success "为题目的英语作文
帮忙写一篇以"Self-confidence is the key to success "为题目的英语作文
Confidence is power--the power to attract,persuade,influence,and succeed.Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !
Confidence isn't an inherited trait,it' s a learned one.This means that you can have an abun-
dance of self-confidence.Start here,right now.
Confidence starts in the mind.What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself.This,in turn,affects the way you speak and act.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
The very first thing you have to do to create abundant self-confidence is to start thinking with confidence.Pay attention to your internal dialogue,and learn to notice when you allow negativity or doubt to control the course of your thinking.
Your environment has a tremendous influence on you.The books you read,the people you spend time with,and the music you listen to all influence the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you.
In a nutshell,your environment can either build up your self-confidence or drag it down.
If you're in a situation where you're discouraged,such as an unhealthy relationship or a miserable job,you have to change that situation if you want your self-confidence level to grow.
Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence.Spend time with confident people.
Remember those,self-confidence can be yours.Take it!
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