有没有In Time的高中英语150字影评?
有没有In Time的高中英语150字影评?
No one should be immortal
Hello Jon,after watching the movie,I think a lot about being immortal.
I'm thinking what will I do if I had a watch like that.I maybe keep watching my time go away by seconds.
But things changed when there is a century for me.As the Will said,at least I'd stop watching the clock.
However,we can't really have a century to live,especially in real life.
We are even not able to know how much time do we have.We will never know what happens tomorrow and whether we will be out of time or not.That's the mysterious part of our lives.That is death.But that also gives our lives meaning.
Without death,I wonder if a person ever lived a day in his life.Like what is told in the movie,some people are so rich that they could be immortal,but the poor die and the rich don't live.
Why can't people just seize the day?People would rather waste their time in chasing more time rather than stop and enjoy the time they've already have.
Even if there is only one day left,you can do a lot.If you take full use of every second,you really don't need to be afraid of death.
To me death is not horrible,living within triviality is horrible.What's the point when you live day after day with nothing changed?
That's true that everyone wants to live forever,and Philippe noticed that.He knew well about human desire and greed because that's the way he lives.And it is his greed that made him lose his family.He spent so much time earning time that he ignored the value of love.
Therefore no one should be immortal and sometimes even more so,no one can bear that.
Hope you enjoy.
It's getting late and I'm still working at my exam.I even missed the shower.Ok,let's back to the point,Hope you enjoy.
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