This week is the last week before the Christmas day.求检查文章语法错误
This week is the last week before the Christmas day.求检查文章语法错误
This week is the last week before the Christmas day.People are all prepare for the Christmas and waiting for it.I decided to go Vancouver
during boxing day because I want to buy some cheap cloth.
I will go Vancouver with my friends and we made a plan for this trip.We decided to get up at about 5:30 in the morning and catch up the first ferry at about 7 and
we will arrive in Vancouver at about 8:30.Then we will go Robson Street and Pacific Center Shopping Mall..They are both good place for shopping.We are
going to have lunch at Richmond .There are a lot of Chinese there and I want to try some sea food there.
We didn't have a good time when we first went to Vancouver.We didn't prepared enough for the trip and we just look around.We didn't got enough time to
shopping.This time is different because we prepared enough.
( ⊙o⊙ )哇,楼主啊,太难为人了吧,不过我愿意给你找出错误来.如下:(包括不地道的地方,我也改了)This is the last week before the Christmas day.People are all preparing for the coming of the Christmas.Howeve...
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