

student A:you are on the airplane now .you don't know the regular rules and feels a little bit air sick and uncomfortable .you will turn to the flight attendant for some advice and help.
student B:suppose that you are a flight attendant in the aieplant.now,you will give student A some advice and suggestions.(两个人的对话 不要很长啊 几句就行啦.我们要在上课时候表演的情景对话.)(有帮助的词:i don't know how to fasten the seat belt / do some reading / .不一定全都要运用进去) 加油↖(^ω^)↗
Dialogue 1 调座位


P: Can I put my baggage here?
F: OK.
P: Could you change my seat, please?
F: No problem. I will arrange it for you .

Dialogue 2 点餐

P: What kind of drinks do you have?
F: We have coffee, tea, juice and cocktails.(鸡尾酒)
P: Please give me a cup of tea.
F: And which would you like for dinner, beef or chicken?
P: Beef, please.

Dialogue 3 机上服务

P: I feel cold. Can you give me a blanket?
A: Please wait a moment. I will get one for you.
P: Do you have Chinese newspaper?
A: Sorry, we don't have any.

Dialogue 4 询问时间

P: Will this flight get there on time?
A: Yes. It will arrive on time.
P: How long does it take to get there?
A: It takes five hours.

Dialogue5 其他服务

A: Hello, may I do something for you?
P: I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick.
A: Don't worry. Here is the airsick bag if you need it. There is also some medicine on the plane. I will get some for you.
P: Thank you.
A: You are welcome.

Dialogue 6 检查护照 (S: STAFF P: PASSENGER)

S: May I see your passport, please?
P: Here is my passport.
S: What's the purpose of your visit?
P: sightseeing.
S: How long will you be staying in South Africa?
P: 9 days.
S: Enjoy your time in South Africa.

Dialogue 7 突发情况

P:I can't find my baggage.
S: Can you describe your baggage?
P: It's a small brown bag and here is my claim tag. (行李票)
S: Ok, we'll look for it. Hold on, please.
S:Sorry for the delay. Is this your bag?
P: Yes. Thank you very much.

Dialogue 8 入境申请

S: Do you have anything to declare?
P: Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.
S: Please open this bag.
P: Ok. The camera is for my personal use.
S: OK.Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.

Key words (机场常用词)

Regular flight 正常航班
Non-scheduled flight 非正常航班
International flight 国际航班
Flight number 航班号
International terminal 国际航班候机楼
Concourse 中央大厅
Airport fee 机场费
Departure lounge 候机室
Taxi pick-up point 出租车乘车点
Arrivals 进港、到达
Landed 已经落
Departure to 前往
Delayed 延误
Boarding 登机
Transfer 中转
Transit 换机
Declare 报关
Check-in 手续办理
Tour arrangement 旅行安排
Connecting flight counter 转机柜台


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