外研版九年级英语上 Module1 课文
外研版九年级英语上 Module1 课文
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Betty:OK,come in and sit down!
Daming:What’s happening?
Lingling:We’re having a meeting.
Daming:That’s news to me!I’m doing my homework.What’s it about?
Lingling:The school magazine.
Daming:What school magazine?
Betty:Right,listen up,everyone.Did anyone watch television yesterday evening?Did you see the interview with Becky Wang?
Lingling:She sings with the band Crazy Feet.She’s my favourite singer.
Tony:Yes,I saw it.She went to our school!
Betty:Well,she started a school magazine called New Standard when she was a pupil here.So why don’t we start a school magazine,too?I’ve written down some ideas.We’ll write a diary of school events,and tell everyone about the school concert and the dance club.
Tony:And school basketball matches.
Lingling:But who will write the articles?
Betty:We’ll write the articles.Any more ideas?
Tony:I know!I’ll do some reviews about our favourite bands and movies!
Lingling:And I’ll do an interview with Becky Wang!
Betty:Brilliant!Anyone else?
Daming:How about “Homework Help?”
Tony:Yes,some ideas on how to get good grades!
Lingling:What’s your homework,Daming?
Daming:I’ m writing a composition called “What is a wonder of the world?” I’m reading about the ancient pyramids in Egypt.
Betty:“Homework Help”.I think that’s a fantastic idea,Daming.
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