Ancient times Chu country had an aristocrat,after having offered a sacrifice to the ancestor,offered a sacrifice to the retainer who a pot the liquor kindly gave comes to help.The retainer discussed mutually:“this pot liquor everybody drinks insufficiently,a person drinks,then has -odd.Let us respectively in the ground competition picture snake,who draws first well,who drinks this pot liquor.” had a person to be first good the snake picture.He carries the wine pot to be just about to drinks,actually complacently the left hand takes the liquor shell,the right hand is continuing the picture snake,said:“I can add several feet again to it!”But has not waited for him to draw the foot,another person has become the snake picture.That person overtook the pot,said:“the snake does not have the foot originally,how can you add the foot to it!”Said that has then drunk pot's in liquor.that added foot's person to the snake to lose finally to mouth's that pot liquor....
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