Think of yourself two years ago.Wrlte about how you are dlfferent now.
Think of yourself two years ago.Wrlte about how you are dlfferent now.
Are you taller now?
Are you smarter?
Are you more popular?
Are you more outgoing?
Are you a better student?
Tom years ago,i was a primary school student.I am taller now.(往下接)
Think of yourself two years ago.Wrlte about how you are dlfferent now.
Are you taller now?
Are you smarter?
Are you more popular?
Are you more outgoing?
Are you a better student?
Two years ago,i was a primary school student.I am taller now.(往下接)
As for the intellegent ,I could not say that I am smarter than i used to be,but to tell the truth,now i can deal with some problems much easily.I can do my school well,so Ican say that i am a better s...
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