Every self-propelled road-going vehicle needs some form of transmission to take the output from its power unit to the driven wheels.The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines,and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular,its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary,and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.To overcome the second,the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed,enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput,neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels.
Every self-propelled road-going vehicle needs some form of transmission to take the output from its power unit to the driven wheels.
The vast majority of vehicles are powered by internal combustion engines, and a large part of the task of the transmission in these vehicles is to compensate for the inherent drawbacks of the engine -in particular, its need to remain running when the vehicle is stationary, and the limited range of speed within which it develops sufficient torque to drive the wheels.
To overcome the first problem ,some kind of clutching arrangement is necessary.
To overcome the second, the transmission needs to include a gearbox providing a range of different ratios of input to output speed, enabling the engine's speed to be maintained within the useful range of torque output over a more or less wide range of vehicle speeds.
So important have these solutions become that"transmission" has in many minds come to mean that part of the system between the engine output and the gearbox putput, neglecting the many complexinties which exist between the gearbox output and the driven wheels..
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