As we all konw,the colleges have open theirs doors wider,this is a good thing,it makes more chances for people to study in college and recieve better education.
But at the same time,the colleges' opening their doors wider bring something bad also.Nowadays,enter a college is more and more easily than before,it means there is more and more college student in the society,being a college student is not means deriving a job.As the quality of college student rising so fastly,more and more college student can not get a job.
In my opinion,it's no doubt that colleges' opening their doors wider is good for development of society,but people who get a chance of studing in college should work hard to improve his ablity so that he can get a job.
(原文)(改后)As we all know,the colleges have widely opened their doors.It is a good thing,because there is more chances for young people to get in college,receiving better education.
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