写一篇 Voluntary Work Around Me 作文 写得有加分.在线等.
写一篇 Voluntary Work Around Me 作文 写得有加分.在线等.
写一篇 Voluntary Work Around Me 作文 不少于80词的短文.
Now people in growing numbers realize that it is important of college studnets to take an active part in social activities. Therefore, the student union of our university decides to oranize a social practice during the summer holiday and is now recruiting volunteers from all the students.
The details of the activity are listed as follows. First of all, the activity is designated to broaden the students's view so as to enrich their knowledge. www.beeen.cn Next, the arrangement mainly includes looking after the senior citizens who live alone, introducing the effective ways of environmental protection to the passers-by in the street and cooperation in a survey for some companies. Last but not least, the timetable, namely schedule, will be settled down by next Monday.
It is high time that we placed great emphasis on the information beyond books. As long as you are an undergraducte student of this university and are willing to take the responsibility to help others, welcome to contact us at 1234567 or send email to www.cet4v.com. Please act without delay!
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