短语填空 把方框中的英文词语填到句子中
短语填空 把方框中的英文词语填到句子中
【go through;at dawn;rather than;have a gift for;as far as;in the distance;settle down;within the reach of;all the way;close to】
1,she didn't speak a word to me____back hone.
2,you will never know whta she____to educate her children.
3,she is boying a flat____her office.
4,the invaders arrive___when everyone is still in the dreams.
5,it seems that he____football.
6,can you see the hill____?
7,standing on the top of the tower you can see____the sea port.
8,ten years ago,she went to canada and has____there ever since.
9,it's dangerous placing the medicine____the children.
10,____take the aeroplane,they decided to drive to Toronto.
1.all the way
2.has gone through
3.close to
4.at dawn
5.has a gift for
6.in the distance
7.as far as
8.settled down
9.within the reach of
10.Rather than
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