Well, zoos are a place where all kinds of animals are kept and displayed.There can be animals as large as epephants and also animals as small as birds and insects.But what do you think is the most complicated creature on earth?Human beings, right? Sometimes we are so complicated we cannot understand ourselves so zoos privide us a more chance about ourselves through watching other animals' behaviors.I still remember ten years ago I went to the zoo to visit bears.Obviously one bear was itching on its back,but its arms are too short to reach its back, so he found another bear,and they put their backs together,and they were scraching for each other.What a vivid of illustration of cooperation!They taught me a lesson ten years ago,another time I went to see the butterflies,and there is a small opening on the cocoon of the butterfly.And I watched for almost an hour to see the buttrtfly to emerge from the cocoon,and obviously it was struggling, very strenuously and I asked the guide,"Why (do)not you bring a scissor and open the cocoon for it?""No, "he answered,"you don't know.he must experiance such a process of struggling,otherwise it will have a wizened body and shriverled wings.Because the struggling is God's way to force the fluid from butterfly's body to its wings.Oh, I got it! Sometimes struggle(s) are the essential parts of our life! If I want to be as beautiful and successful as a butterfly,apart from what I have metioned,zoos also play an important role in animal protection and education.(动物园在动物保护,人类受教育方面起着举足轻重的作用)But I think the most important value is that it enhance(s) our understanding of human nature and human virtue.(更重要的是:它加深了我们对人类天性和美德的理解)That's my understanding of the value of zoos,thank you!"
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