My name is Mei.I am 23 years old.I have graduated from UNITEC in New Zealand; Diploma in performance

My name is Mei.I am 23 years old.I have graduated from UNITEC in New Zealand; Diploma in performance

My name is Mei.I am 23 years old.I have graduated from UNITEC in New Zealand; Diploma in performance technology (costume) is my major.Four years of life experience in New Zealand made me become an independent,positive,the sense of responsibility and friendly person.
The people who influenced me the most is my tutor Suzanne.She is very strict with her student.She asked us to work perfectly; even a small defect would have to redo it again.Many people can not stand the pressure and give up.I have also thought about it,but I know if I really do,I am just a loser.I told myself as long as I work hard; I can win Suzanne’s praise.I can imagine it is a wonderful thing and I succeed in this goal.
I have twice working experiences that improved my English get better and get long with people easily.I am confidante that past experiences will prepare me to be an excellent worker and the most important thing is I am work hard.Please give me a chance.I will do my best.
I am Mei who is currently 23-year-old. I have graduated from UNITEC in New Zealand; My major is diploma in performance technology (costume). Four years of life experience in New Zealand have let me be...


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