Spring has come, on earth each quoin has filled the spring breath.
In the campus, everywhere all is the spring beautiful Lu elephant.The willow tree extracted the thin willow tree silk, above has decorated the clean faint yellow tender leaf; The grass brought the soil fragrant to drill, clump of, bunch of, also the tender green flower also stretched oneself, has had a yawn, has found out the small head; The children have all taken off the unwieldy winter clothing, has exchanged both facilely and the bright spring clothing; The birds flew from the family, is singing the interesting to listen to song, tells us: Spring came!
Spring naive has come, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere all is glowing the full of vitality.The nature scenery also becomes richly colorful.
The spring scenery too has been beautiful, in the spring people's mood is more beautiful.Rickets entire winter wainscot has straightened up, the cheerful smiling face is filling the hope.In the park lived it up, the photography young people, fished the old person, the capture insect's child, one all was infatuated with in the nature bosom, forgot to return.
I deeply love the spring, I like smelling the flower fragrant, saw big tree fresh green, hears young Wu singing joyfully.I deeply love the spring, because the spring has filled the vitality, has filled the new hope!
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