In recent,I heard news about whaling.Australia wanted to stop whaling and protected whales in the Antarctica.At the same time,Japan kept whaling in the Antarctica even received warning made by Australia.When I knew this news,I confused that why Australia wanted to stop whaling but Japan continued whaling.So I chose whaling as my topic and wanted to know more about whaling.
When I was researching information about whaling,I recognized that expository project was a good idea.It could let more people know more about whaling.After I researched the information about whaling,I knew that whales brought economic and environmental benefits to the world.I profoundly understood whaling should be banned and whales should be protected.So my focus was the reasons why whaling should be banned.I wanted people to know whaling and concern on whales.
语法上 错误很多 不一一说明了 详细看我下面写的范文段落上 只有开头段 和 主体段 没有结尾段 就内容而言,也没有 作文的 起 承 转 合 应有的结构句式上 简单句太多 缺乏长句 复杂句 以及特殊句式 来支撑你的论点用词...
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