Above all,I can not completely agree with the two practices.
Sending criminals to the prison positively is not an effective way to deal with them,but we all know that some criminals are dangerous; sending them to the prison actually means a protection to other citizens.In likewise,education and training are better indeed,but what if the criminals have dispute with theirteacher?
However,imprisonment without any human-oriented management and education seems to disrespecthuman rights.Nowadays,death penalty has been called off in many regions by beingaccused of disrespect for newgate saint’s human rights.So that chances forcriminals to reduce penalty and even reform themselves make good sense.
Gratifyingly,there are many such places in the world that collect the criminals and educate them as well.Do you know where the national college entrance examination papers isproduced?It is in the prison.That is,criminals are
第一段写的 we all know some criminals are dangerous,里面 去掉some,因为既然是犯人就应该是dangerous的.their (space) teacherS.
第二段 being accused加空格.So that gives a chance to the criminals to reduce.
3段 there are many such places,去掉such.i think it is away,a 和 way家空格.
注意你写的东西 好多单词中间都没有空格空开,然后你的第一句开头写的和结尾不搭
如果你说 penalty和reform要一起的话
开头应该大概这样写 我给你个比方
Above all,I can not completely agree with either of the two ways(or practices),i think they should be combined.
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