Anthropology(人类学) is a science that deals with man and his social habits.I think of anthropology here as “being interested,without judgment,in the way other people choose to live and-----1
When you are curious about the way someone behaves or the way they feel about something,it’s -----2that you will be annoyed
When someone acts in a way that seems strange to you,rather than react in your usual way ,such as ‘I can’t believe they should do that,”------4say something to yourself like ‘well,I see ,that must be the way they see things in their world .Very interesting.” In order for this way to help you,you have to be genuine.
Recently I was at a shopping mall with my six-year old daughter------5-a group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos covering much of their bodies .At the sight of them ,my daughter immediately asked me,’Dadd,why are they dressed up like that?’ Years ago I would have felt very--------6with such young people.I would have gi
1:A 人类生活方式和行为/举动2:D 如果你好奇,就不会对一个事情厌烦哦4:A 你当然只能说那些话咯5:D 语法上的问题,无法解释.6:C 他说I would have felt,就说明是过去.过去一定和现在想法不一样,所以才会这么说,既然现...
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