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In recent days,lots of horrendous disasters?happened all around the world,intense hurrican intruded southern regions of USA which has caused the worst damages in history,elctricity has been cutted off ,no clean water supplies ,no adequate food ,no secure living space ,around hundreds of people lost their lives in this calamity .Although,hurrican is over ,the damage will still continue.In Irap ,more than?960 people died in a ceremony rally .These events remind me to recall the tusnami occured in southern Asian last winter .From these affairs,have to marvel at how fragile and vulnerable human beings are in front of natural or man_made catastrophe.I have to?rejoice at how lucky I am since I live in a peaceful place with mild climate.So ,for those who is now living in the world including me ,treasure what we have owned including our lives?in our life ,do not always complain about how unfair god treats you ,try to be tolerant to tortures life brings to us,learn to be more optimistic toward everything ,treasure every precious seconds we live in this world !
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