1.(On campus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight with his/her friend,

1.(On campus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight with his/her friend,

1.(On campus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight with his/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,B gives some suggestions.
2.(In the dormitory) A and B are involved in a debate.A believes that students should study in groups while B argues that they should study independently.They are exchanging ideas with some supporting details or explanations.
B:Hey what wrong with you?
A:I'M going to see a football game tonight with my friend,
B:wow wonderful!I can't see anything bothering.
A:yeh it should be wonderful unless my friend was late.
B:oh that realy make you feel bad.
A:of couse!i love the team and i don't want to miss anything about the game!The game will begin in a hour but she just getup 5 minits ago.Her home i sfar frome the game station.We dont have enough time!
B:Clam down..let me see..you said she is lve far?where is the station?
A:Just tow blocks from here.
B:That's realy close.
A:yes.close from here but it will take one hour for her to take bus.
B:i mean you could drive to her house to pick her up!That will save so much time.
A:oh your wright!i could drive there while she choose what to wear and we can on the way righter she finished make up.it will save the time she wait for the bus.
B:that is what i mean.
A:Thank you ao much!i will go get my car right now!bye
B:bye!wish you have a good timm!
应该够了吧...虽然只编了一个 我觉得这个应该不难啊 想到哪说哪都够3分钟了 加油
ps 想问一下这是哪里的题?


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