求完形填空的答案: The first hundred years after the Civil War saw a succession of obstacles put in
求完形填空的答案: The first hundred years after the Civil War saw a succession of obstacles put in
restrictions were removed they still had to 51 hostility or threat, 52 that most of them did not dare to face the unpleasantness that was imposed 53 them when they went to 54 or to vote, The federal courts ruled 55 it was an offence against the Constitution to interfere 56 anybody in the 57 of his rights to vote, but for a long time it was very difficult to put such rules into force, 58 the state and local 59 themselves did not agree with them. Federal agents have been used in the south to 60 that people are allowed to use their rights, and many 61 of threat and abuse of 62 have been punished. Because of the federal activity for 63 protection, southern Negroes have gained greater self-confidence, and in the 1960s many who previously did not dare to 64 their rights felt safe enough to register as voters.
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