求通顺加分英语段落,英翻中译,手翻通顺,i like things about you
求通顺加分英语段落,英翻中译,手翻通顺,i like things about you
[i like things about you]
i like things about you.
and also there are things.
about you i don't like .
something pulled me to you .
the day i melted for you.
I don't know .
sometimes things happen.
and i say i won't forgive about this.
but immediatly i come .
back and i say stop.
it's better that i forget about this.
and let it go.
why do i protect and tire myself?
when i have feelings for you.
from a while.
with you,I accept all your flaws.
my life is with you .
no matter what happen.
你好,可翻译为:[i like things about you] 钟意关于你一切之事
i like things about you.钟意关于你一切之事
and also there are things.且有些
about you i don't like .事君未钟意过
something pulled me to you .将我同你靠拢之事
the day i melted for you.为君消融之日
I don't know .
sometimes things happen.有时当事发生之时
and i say i won't forgive about this.我却从未原谅过
but immediatly i come .但立刻我降至
back and i say stop.转身诉停止
it's better that i forget about this.认为最好将其忘却
and let it go.放开手儿
why do i protect and tire myself?为何我却自作多情
when i have feelings for you.当喜欢你仅
from a while.有那么一秒之时?
with you,I accept all your flaws.同你在一起之时,我接受了你的一切劣势
my life is with you . 同你齐相伴之时
no matter what happen.不管会发生怎何
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