求翻译:States the requirements for individual end items by date and quantity.
求翻译:States the requirements for individual end items by date and quantity.
Breaks down,or disaggregates,the production plan into product families. Promotes valid order promises. Provides a communication medium between Marketing/Sales and operations. Proactively control ability to deliver goods to customers. Resource availability control. Proactively control inventory levels. By validating the capacity for the MPS through rough cut capacity planning, alternative plans can be made when there are more orders than production. The production plan is broken into product families. Marketing communicates demand through customer orders and forecasts.
Operations communicates capacity through inventory levels and constraints. Production shortfalls will be known ahead of time and alternative plans can be made. Proactively control ability to deliver goods to customers. Proactive approach to inventory control. Items are scheduled to arrive when needed. Safety stock has less
这些都是关于采购、客服的英语,本人是外企采购.翻译如下,按你上面文字逗号分隔.成本分析,或者成本目录,按照产品类别细分的产品计划.下达有效的订单.市场/销售和产能沟通的中介. 交货给客户的前期管控.有效的新供应商...
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