英文作文:a day off because of the rainstorm
英文作文:a day off because of the rainstorm
para.1:What's the weather like?How do you feel about unexpected holiday?
para.2:What do you see outside the window of your room?
para.3:What are you doing?What do you plan to do for the rest of the day?
A day off because of the rainstorm
Now I am getting up.I find that it is raining heavily outside.And I can describe it is a rainstorm.When I am thinking about how to go to school,just then the telephone is ringing.It is our teacher tells me that we have a day off because of the rainstorm.I am very happy and excited when I hear the news.I hardly believe it is true.
Look out of the window,I see there is nobody outside.The rainstom is stronger and stronger.It's pouring outside.The road is full of water.I am a little afraid.I cover the window with the curtain quickly.I am thinking of myclassmates now.What are they doing now?I am going to make a telephone to them after the rainstom.Then I am going to read books at home.
How happy and relaxed I am on an unexpected holiday.
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