The most important about first aid(帮助) is not to do only what is necessary, but to do that as carefully and quickly as you can. When an accident happens, don’t rush or get excited. Stop and think first. If the injured(受伤) person is in no immediate(直接) danger from fire, water, or traffic, leave him lying where he is. A rolled up coat or pullover placed under his head, and a coat or blanket(毯子) over him, is the best treatment(处理) you can give while waiting for help. If the person is unconscious(失去知觉), loosen(解松) his clothing(衣服), especially round the neck. If an arm of a leg lies awkwardly(扭曲) and looks out of shade, try not to move it. Remember that you can do a lot of harm by trying to do too much. Of course, there are times when you can’t wait for help and you must do the best you can until a doctor or an ambulance(急救车) arrives. If the injured person has stopped breathing, you must start artificial respiration(人工呼吸) as soon as possible. If he is bleeding(
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