英语口语对话Talking about past event
英语口语对话Talking about past event
A:what's the very thing that impressed you most
B:oh!there are a lot of things I will never forget .but,I think the followings leave the deepest impression !
A:come on !just straight it out !
B:OK!when I was 10 .I saw the first World cup match !.I remember it is the final contest the Brazil VS Italy .it is a wonderful match !Baggio screwed the Penalty shoot up !
A:yea !it was really a big regret !
B:and the theme song of 98 world up ----the cup of life is very
passionate!even for now ,every time I listen the song .it still brings me energy !oh !why don't you talk about your past event !
A:me alright !let me see !it should be the 09 NBA playoffs !rocket VS lakers .it is full of surprise .even though the rocket lost finally .but the spirit of those game will come down !
B:yea .yaoi Ming behaved bravely and the whole team was very united .I think that is also the reason why the rocket can procrastinate the game to the seventh !
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